Registered Agent Reviews

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The registered agent service market has expanded rapidly in the last 10 years.

More than 30 new registered agent services have entered the market, with more than a few taking significant market share from established players.

To make sure you can keep up with the big changes, I reviewed and rated the dominant players in the registered agent industry.

Here is the list of the best registered agent services I reviewed:

Northwest Registered Agent9.0/108.5/1010/109.0/109.13/10
ZenBusiness Review10/109.5/108.0/109.0/109.13/10
Harbor Compliance Review8.0/109.0/1010/109.0/109.0/10
Swyft Filings Review7.0/108.0/108.0/108.0/107.75/10
CorpNet Review6.0/109.0/108.0/108.0/107.75/10
Rocket Lawyer Review4.0/105.0/107.0/108.0/105.75/10

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