12 Best Arizona Registered Agent Services (2024 Review)


Getting the best registered agent in Arizona is critical for any business.

The right Arizona registered agent will prevent you from making crucial paperwork mistakes and give you the security of knowing that both your personal data and your company’s data are perfectly safe.

The wrong Arizona registered agent offers no peace of mind and can cost you valuable time and resources, all while charging way too much for their limited services. 

I’ve investigated 60+ registered agents, assessed the top 12, and written in-depth reviews of the three best. Here are my picks for the best Arizona registered agent:

1. Northwest Registered Agent Review — 9.13/10 (My Top Pick)

Northwest Registered Agent is my choice for the best Arizona registered agent service in Arizona because they provide everything you need from a statutory agent combined with incredible customer service. They go beyond making sure your business is properly registered. They aim to make sure your business is a success.


Northwest Registered Agent excels at every aspect of their business. They keep you up-to-date on any regulatory changes that may affect your business, provide a statutory agent available to accept documents (like service of process) on your behalf during regular business hours, and help you clear all legal hurdles related to establishing your business in the state of Arizona. They also forward your mail and protect your data and information.

They even provide the best LLC service in Arizona.

Northwest Registered Agent also scans and uploads all your documents, which you can access on a user-friendly website, they set up an individualized calendar and provide you with alerts regarding important document deadlines. They make it really easy to relax and focus on the more enjoyable aspects of running your business. 

In the end, however, it will always be the customer service that sets Northwest Registered Agent apart. They separate themselves from the rest of the pack the moment you get a representative on the phone. 

It is immediately apparent that you aren’t talking to a call center or an overwhelmed operator who just wants to direct you towards a website. Instead, Northwest Registered Agent is staffed with former small business owners, entrepreneurs, lawyers, and accountants. Their experience and knowledge dwarfs that of their competitors.

The customer reps at Northwest Registered Agent can and will answer questions that go far beyond when your next annual report is due. They are truly small business advisors, not just sales reps. No one else in the industry comes close to this level of customer care. 

Despite their stellar reputation, Northwest Registered Agent offers competitive rates. For $125*, less than $30 above the cheapest agents on this list, you can have the best in the business.


The phrase “too much of a good thing” comes to mind on rare occasions when dealing with Northwest Regional Agent. Their thoroughness means that a really quick question may not always be met with a really quick answer. In these instances, you might end up on the phone for a few minutes longer than you intended.

It is a petty complaint, to be sure, considering that the tradeoff of being occasionally inconvenienced when you ask simple questions is that you will receive accurate, expert advice on your more complex queries. 


Northwest Registered Agent is far and away my pick for the best statutory agent in Arizona. 

For $125 per year, they provide all the tools you need to meet filing deadlines and comply with all state regulations, and their industry-leading customer service makes the choice even more clear.

If you want to ensure you meet your legal requirements, as well as get small business support, sign up with Northwest Registered Agent now

*Prices are per state, per year.

2. Harbor Compliance Review — 7.92/10 (Best Budget Registered Agent)

Harbor Compliance is a reliable Arizona registered agent service if you are on an extremely tight budget and can do without the perks offered by Northwest Registered Agent. At current rates, Harbor Compliance offers around $30 savings per year.


Harbor Compliance offers a no-frill service that will make sure you meet all your legal obligations as laid out by the state of Arizona. 

You’ll receive a physical street address in Arizona that’s available during normal business hours to receive legal notices, such as a service of process, and they’ll forward your mail in a timely fashion.

They’ll upload any important notifications or other mailings directly to your online portal for immediate access. They also alter you to any upcoming filing deadlines. For particularly time-sensitive documents, like notices of lawsuits, they will pick up the phone and give you a call.


Nothing, in particular, stands out when evaluating Harbor Compliance. They will satisfy your most basic requirements but won’t blow you away with their customer service or any other aspect of their business. Their online account is easy to set up and problems that require the help of customer support are solved within a reasonable timeframe but without great urgency. 


Harbor Compliance seems content to offer the minimum amount of service and support in order to provide the lowest price for Arizona statutory agents. In this regard, they succeed. They won’t leave you impressed, but they won’t leave you hanging either.

If your budget won’t allow for a few extra dollars to go towards superior service and customer support, then head to Harbor Compliance here.

3. LegalZoom Review — 6.59/10 (Best Premium RA)

LegalZoom is a reputable company that offers an array of legal services and ranks as my top premium registered agent in Arizona.


LegalZoom is the trusted giant of the business services world. Thanks to their reputation and longevity, they are the first name that comes to mind when thinking of accessible, reliable legal services of all kinds in the state of Arizona and beyond. 

Within the registered agent realm, they are known principally for their valuable add-on. In addition to comprehensive statutory agent service, which includes mail forwarding, service of process and a business address, they offer $1,000,000 worth of identity theft insurance. 

Identity theft insurance is an uncommon offering for statutory agents and could save your business should you fall victim to hackers or other cyber criminals.


LegalZoom is expensive. They use their well-earned reputation to boost their prices, charging $299, which is more than double Northwest Registered Agent. Furthermore, their hefty rates don’t provide nearly the level of individual attention that you’ll get from some of the smaller registered agent companies.

The identity theft insurance, as valuable a perk as that is, could also be purchased separately from any number of insurance agents or cyber security firms. Paying someone else for your insurance and hiring a different registered agent in Arizona would still cost less than $299.

Customer support also falls behind that of other statutory agents simply because LegalZoom handles questions regarding a million different legal issues. Sometimes specific questions regarding registered agent services in the state of Arizona get lost in the shuffle. 


LegalZoom is an established, reputable company that will fulfill all your basic needs as an Arizona registered agent, but they will do so at a premium price without the individualized, more knowledgeable service you’d get from other statutory agents. Their identity theft insurance is a big perk, but doesn’t offset their higher prices.

Check out LegalZoom here: LegalZoom

4. ZenBusiness

ZenBusiness is an LLC formation service that offers everything you want from a registered agent in Arizona. Their popular Pro package goes for $199 and includes worry-free annual report compliance alerts and filing, access to an Employer Identification Number to keep track of your business' tax returns, a banking resolution for when you need to facilitate a financial transfer on behalf of your business, and an expedited document filing process that ensures your official documents are filed on time.

The reason they are in 4th place is because their primary focus is on LLC formation services, rather than registered agent services, so they haven’t fully optimized their offering. But, regardless of the reason, they’re still more expensive than Northwest Registered Agent and don’t offer the same level of support available.

If you want to read a full breakdown of their products and services, check out my ZenBusiness review.

5. IncFile

IncFile is a basic service that provides a physical Arizona address that’s available during normal business hours in case a service of process comes your way, but little more. They don’t offer filing alerts or other assistance offered by the more hands-on statutory agents.

Their price of $119 per year also isn’t ideal considering the lack of value. If your budget is your principal concern, Harbor Compliance is a better option, and if you want a wider array of services, Northwest Registered Agent is only a few dollars more.

6. Rocket Lawyer

Rocket Lawyer was established to compete with LegalZoom by providing a similarly vast array of online legal services at lower prices.

Their prices are better than LegalZoom, but they’re still relatively expensive ($149) and don’t provide nearly the same amount of services or individualized attention as another, more focused Arizona registered agent would.

If you want a full breakdown of their products and services, check out my Rocket Lawyer review

7. SunDoc Filings

SunDoc Filings is even more expensive than Rocket Lawyer with an equally basic level of service. At $159 for a service that doesn’t even include filing alerts, it is hard to justify using SunDoc to fulfill your need for a registered agent in Arizona. 

8. InCorp

InCorp could easily be in the #3 spot in place of Harbor Compliance. They provide the same prices and basic service to help you stay in compliance with the Arizona Corporation Commission and the Arizona Secretary of State. The one difference between the two is a dealbreaker, however.

InCorp’s system is difficult to use. Their online account feels more like a hassle than a convenience. A redesigned website would greatly improve their ranking. 

9. Swyft Filings

Swyft Filings also offers little in terms of the price-to-quality ratio. At $149 for nothing but the bare necessities, they satisfy neither your budget nor your peace of mind.

If you want to know more about their products and services, check out my Swyft Filings review.

10. CSC Global

CSC Global is another Arizona registered agent service that considers its service to be “premium,” and prides itself as such ($299). Unfortunately, their services don’t live up to this price point. Their customer service pales in comparison with other statutory agents, and they don’t offer such a simple convenience as compliance alerts. 

The unique advantage that CSC Global offers is that they will cover the filing fee required to change your address from that of your old registered agent in Arizona. But even taking this value ($176) into account, you will still be overpaying for pedestrian service.

11. Registered Agents Inc.

Unlike the other companies on this list, Registered Agents Inc. offers no other services. They act as statutory agents and that’s it. While this could be an advantage over less-focused competitors, at $200, they don’t provide significant value. They’ll handle a service of process, provide an address, and forward your mail, but very little beyond that. 

12. Jumpstart Filings

Jumpstart Filings is another example in the crowded field of statutory agents that charge more for less. For $129 a year, you’ll get the essentials like a street address in the state of Arizona and service of process but nothing else. 

Registered Agent Review Summary

I looked at more than 60 registered agents operating in Arizona and found 12 that warranted more in-depth reviews. Of those companies, Northwest Registered Agent stood out as my highest-rated agent service.

They excel at the basics, their customer service is unparalleled, and they charge only $125 per year. Combine that with a user-friendly web portal and a hassle-free sign-up system, and they are the clear winner.

If your growing business needs a registered agent, head to Northwest Registered Agent.

Best Registered Agent Review Methodology 

This is how I determined the best registered agent in Arizona.

Why You Should Trust Me

I’ve earned your trust when it comes to selecting an Arizona registered agent because I have a lot of business experience, and I doubt anyone has done as much research in this field. 

When I started my first company, I knew that I was required to have a registered agent, but I didn’t know how much I needed a registered agent service until I made a costly filing mistake that the right agent could have prevented.

To avoid such mistakes in the future and keep the Arizona Corporation Commission off my back, I spent countless hours learning about the industry and identifying the major players.

Once I knew who was who, I went through the marketing materials of every Arizona registered agent service I could find in order to discern which companies offered real value and which just offered splashy promotions.

I also leaped into the thousands of online reviews available, and finally made the rarified step of actually picking up the phone and calling the better companies individually. I talked to customer service reps, sales reps, secretaries and waited out more than a few automated answering services.

All of this is to say that I’ve done the work.

Talking to friends in Arizona who are small business owners made me realize how many others were also baffled by the array of offerings and pricing schemes in the registered agent space. I initially just shared my findings with them, but I soon realized the research I’d done could be a huge help to the Arizona business community at large. 

This realization led to this website, which has already helped thousands of Arizona business owners save themselves a tremendous amount of work. I can help YOU as well, and give you back the single most valuable resource you have—your time.

How I Selected the Best Registered Agent

I used a four-step process to select the best registered agent in Arizona. 

Stage 1: Reviews

In order to whittle down the enormous field of Arizona registered agent services into something I could wrap my head around, I started with online review sites. 

After reading reviews on Google Business, Facebook, TrustPilot, and the Better Business Bureau, amongst others, I was able to get a sense of which companies were legitimate and which companies were essentially scams. In this way, I was able to eliminate almost 50 Arizona statutory agents that were using an underhanded, deceitful pricing structure (more on that below). 

Stage 2: Website Analysis

After I’d eliminated the less-than-honest agents, I was left with only 13 registered agent services in Arizona. I went through every page of these reputable remainder’s websites and talked to their customer service teams to see exactly what they were offering with their subscriptions.

I then came up with 24 features a good registered agent in Arizona should offer and listed them in a simple spreadsheet next to the names of the 13 agents. If a registered agent service offered that particular service, I simply checked the box. It gave me an efficient visual representation of who offered what. 

Stage 3: Speaking with Real Customers

In order to judge how effectively these companies were executing the services they provide, I wanted to actually speak to customers. Online reviews could answer some of my questions but they usually offer only the perspectives of customers with extreme opinions one way or the other. Online reviews can also occasionally be manipulated by the companies themselves, so I wanted to go directly to the source. Actual customers were also able to answer my more in-depth questions rather than just provide general overviews. 

Since I had already helped some fellow Arizona business owners find statutory agents, I was able to ask them directly about their experiences with the statutory agents that they chose. And now that my website is live and I’m helping so many others choose the right Arizona statutory agent, I’ve heard directly from an even larger group of consumers. 

Stage 4: Speaking with Their Sales Team

As the last step, I went back to each company’s sales team. At this point in my research, I had a good grasp of each company’s strengths and weaknesses, so I was able to address specific issues with their sales reps.

Salespeople typically describe their company in the most glowing terms, but I was able to ascertain a lot by asking questions about specific complaints. How well they addressed these complaints told me how open their agency was to customer feedback, how committed they were to constantly improving their service, and how quickly they corrected mistakes.

These conversations also gave me a sense of the company’s culture and how patient and understanding they would be with their customers. 

Rating Factors

From the 60+ statutory agents I started with, I ranked the top 13 agents for your Arizona LLC using five key factors.

Factor 1: Offerings

Arizona registered agent services offer a surprising variety of products and services. 

Some provide only the basics, such as a physical Arizona address that can be used if a process server needs to serve you with a service of process or other legal documents, protection of your personal details, mail forwarding, and a point of contact during normal business hours.

Better registered agents will also provide compliance alerts and make sure you are in good standing with the Arizona Corporation Commission, help with your Articles of Organization, and upload any important documents you’ve received to provide you with instant access, with some also offering a cheap LLC service or even the best LLC service.

Other companies will also add valuable perks such as identity theft insurance. 

My first step in rating Arizona registered agent services was determining which companies offered the best range of products. 

Factor 2: Value

Pricing is also extremely varied between different Arizona registered agents. Due to different pricing schemes, value for money is something that is difficult to pin down and determining which service actually offers the best value was challenging at times.

For example, some statutory agents claim to cost a mere $39 a year but end up costing substantially more. I looked at a lot of these agents that fell under the “Budget” category that charged between $39–$59 a year. In reality, their advertised prices covered little more than signing up for the service, and receiving the basic level of services you’d expect from an Arizona statutory agent would cost up to $120 more per year.

This pricing strategy seems inherently dishonest to me and I eliminated any Arizona registered agents that used this deception to lure customers.

Factor 3: Ease of Sign-up

After you’ve weighed all the variables and finally chosen your Arizona registered agent service, the sign-up should be a simple final step. Unfortunately, for some statutory agents, it isn’t so easy.

Obviously, your time is valuable, especially if you’re running a small business, so assessing how complicated and time-consuming the sign-up process is for each Arizona statutory agent was the next factor in my rating process. 

I made an online account with each company to test this process and rated the statutory agents according to how quick and easy their sign-up was to complete.

Factor 4: Ease of Use

I also tested each Arizona statutory agent’s system beyond just the sign-up page. How easily I could navigate their online portals was the next factor in my rating system.

Specifically, I wanted to see how easy the smaller, more insignificant tasks would prove to be on the companies’ various sites. If I got bogged down trying to make a minor change to my profile or simply access my documents, that was a significant demerit. 

A counterintuitive site was also a big red flag. Again, this relates to how valuable my time is as a small business owner. I simply don’t have the time or inclination to fight a clunky system every time I log on to my registered agent’s site.

Factor 5: Customer Service

You could argue that a really top-notch Arizona registered agent doesn’t need good customer service, but no matter how proficient a registered agent service is, some hiccups will always pop up along the way. This is when customer service proves critical.

Should a problem arise, knowing that you can simply make a quick phone call to your registered agent service and you’ll receive an accurate, immediate answer eliminates a lot of stress. 

I tested the customer service reps at each Arizona registered agent on this list by calling their teams and asking them some simple questions. I then based my rating on how efficient, quick, helpful and courteous they were along with how accurate their answer was and how many people I had to go through to get it.

The Best Arizona Registered Agent Results Summary

After evaluating more than 60 statutory agents that offer their services in the state of Arizona, I narrowed it down to 13 companies, which I thoroughly reviewed. These are my top three picks. 

Best Overall Registered Agent — Northwest Registered Agent (9.13/10)

Northwest Registered Agent is my choice for the best Arizona registered agent service due to their extensive service offerings, amazing customer support and competitive price ($125 per year).

They do a great job covering the basics, from providing a physical street address in Arizona to keeping your personal details private and everything in between. They’ll keep you in compliance with the Arizona Corporation Commission and Secretary of State, and be your legal point of contact to receive service of process or any other legal notices.

Northwest Registered Agent doesn’t charge extra for all the extras they provide. They scan your mail and upload it the same day, providing instant access to your legal documents through their user-friendly online portal. They issue alerts to keep you from missing important compliance dates, and they offer discounts for multi-state registrations or if you sign up for multiple years.

What truly sets them apart is their vastly superior customer service. Northwest Registered Agent’s service team is made up of ex lawyers, accountants and entrepreneurs who have a wealth of business experience. Many of them were once in your shoes. They’ll answer the questions you have and those you haven’t even thought of yet. 

And with over 3,000 positive Northwest Registered Agent reviews, you can be confident that my experience wasn't a one-off.

If you need an Arizona registered agent service that will go above and beyond for your business then head to Northwest Registered Agent now.

Or if you're looking to get your Arizona LLC started, read Best LLC Services in Arizona.

Best Budget Registered Agent — Harbor Compliance (7.92/10)

If you are on the strictest of budgets, you can save $26 per year by choosing the more basic service that Harbor Compliance provides. 

Harbor Compliance is a reliable choice to help you remain in continued good standing with the Arizona Corporation Commission. They will provide you with an office address, legal point of contact for receiving service of process or other documents and will forward and scan your mail and all legal documents. 

Should you encounter any problems, their customer support is adequate, but not really comparable to the team at Northwest Registered Agent.

And if you still aren't sure, just browse the hundreds of positive Harbor Compliance reviews online.

If you prioritize your budget over stellar customer service, check out Harbor Compliance

Best Premium Registered Agent — LegalZoom (6.59/10)

LegalZoom is a good option if you're not overly budget conscious and appreciate a good reputation and a few extra frills.

Like the other Arizona statutory agents in my Top 3, LegalZoom will handle the basics to keep you in business in Arizona. You’ll get your physical address in Arizona and mail forwarding (including service of process) and scan important documents. LegalZoom’s claim to registered agent fame is that it supplements their service with a $1,000,000 identity theft insurance policy that is included in your subscription.

The identity theft insurance is a nice perk in this day and age, but you can purchase a similar policy somewhere else for far less than the difference in price between LegalZoom and the much more affordable Northwest Registered Agent.

If you are enamored with the $1,000,000 policy, don’t mind the $300 price tag, and don’t value things such as compliance alert notifications and outstanding customer service, then LegalZoom is your best choice.

Check out LegalZoom here.

In Conclusion

When you’re starting a business in the state of Arizona, selecting the right registered agent service may not seem like a top priority, but the right registered agent can prevent critical mistakes and become a great asset.

They will make sure you remain in good standing with the Arizona Corporation Commission, handle a service of process should you receive one, safeguard your personal assets, and maintain your privacy.

I examined more than 60 Arizona statutory agent services and reviewed the top 13. My four-stage process analyzed five different factors. 

In the end, I came to the definitive conclusion that Northwest Registered Agent is the best registered agent service in Arizona.

They offer everything you could possibly need from your Arizona statutory agent including:

  • A street address in Arizona for receiving legal paperwork and information from the Arizona Corporations Commission
  • Mail forwarding
  • Document scanning
  • Online access to your critical documents, including service of process
  • Help with your Articles of Organization
  • Compliance alerts that will prevent you from missing key filing deadlines with Arizona Corporation Commission

They also offer an intuitive website and signing up for an online account is an easy process. Their experienced, knowledgeable customer service team is made up of former lawyers, accountants, and entrepreneurs. They will help guide you through any challenges your company may face. 

Northwest Registered Agent offers all these benefits at the competitive rate of $125 per state per year.

If you want to ensure you meet your legal requirements as well as getting small business support, sign up with Northwest Registered Agent

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